We’ve got another TOTY of 2025 in the flippin bag and it’s only just March bit of bizness for you dear breakbeat’rz .
if you haven’t already heard Kazza’s late February Valentines gift already then stop reading , find your best headphones , click on the BC link below and listen to this three times in a row straight please .
3 times yes? Not once , not skipping through ? 3 time please , I'll explain why later, thank you for your cooperation it’s appreciated. Now that’s out the way, whaddaya reckon me ansome’s - (note the was written in the shire of Devon, sat next to a boat, hence the authentic pirate dialect) Ace innit!
Like all good tunes you discover I had to do a bit of detective work on tracking it down, the thrill of the hunt rewarding the true spirit of exploration into the deep dark jungle of modern bass music armed only with my trusty smartphone and total lack of self respect/ pride to ask a few questions via the information super highway that is the Bass Scoops Radio Instagram account . (Editors note - nice shameless plug there Scoops )
I first heard this beauty on the always marvelous Sweetpea’s Deeper Sessions Show on Kool FM where Kazza was in the guest mix slot, it's a wicked mix btw . I so so so recommend locking into this show regularly for a new vector of high quality breakbeat orientated music in you life. Do check out Sweetpea’s interview on Charlie Fracture's excellent 0860 series too for the inside line on her shows expert selections and her history in the scene, well worth a listen dear breakbeat’rz.
The groove of this tune undoubtedly owes a lot for its inherent groovy-ness to the sample at its heart ! Geddit luv , heart love, valentines … yeah ? Borrowing the hook from Donna Summers 1970 famously naughty disco smasher, Love to Love You Baby , this ain’t no tiktok baiting bootleg number, it is a tune with a complexity which belies its initial first passing listen - hence the instruction for a thrice listen sesh at the top of this blog post . From the opening bars of percussion and the whisper of that hook you could be initially fooled this was some Nu-Balearic re-rub, but praise the Holy Winston’s (Amen!) that the break kicks in sharpish and off we jolly well go! I’d love to sit down with Kazza and do a interview dissecting the samples used in this tune, I get the feeling that there is a lot of stuff flipped, twisted and snuck in here a la Liam Howlett. The ever present hook is matched by the off beat bass line, dubbed out guitar kicks, metallic precussion, "special cuddle" noises from the OG (Editors note - keep it clean Scoops this is a family website!) and ragga jungle shout outs with some willful abuse of a gate effect in the vocals - Oooof!! Indeed. Which all adds up to give us one of the best jungle rollers you're ever likely to hear this year, Kazza is definitely one to watch in 2025.
Til next time dear breakbeat'rz...
John Bass Scoops