Thursday 3 August 2023

A special heavyweight joint between Rognvald and Mokit


A true showdown between the Junglist Don known as Rognvald and the Hardcore superstar Mokit. 

A heavyweight joint like the one between Rognvald and Mokit, can be always a hot topic within the scene. Two amazing producers that can even go beyond their usual musical tastes.

Their latest digital collaboration is entitled 'Warehaus Rave EP' and it has an interesting background and long story and it was activated in the early pandemic days. Sam Mokit has talked to us about his connection with Richard Rognvald:
"When I met Richard about 5 years ago we kind of hit it off and just started making tunes with each other. He eventually asked if I would want to do version of these tracks and we'd release it as an album, I obviously said yes and worked on my parts over 2020 and 2021. Richard can make tracks in anywhere from a few hours to over months but his side was probably made over a year. I took about 9 months to do a first draft of my 4 tracks and following some mix down and mastering feedback I made changes to make the mix more punchy and appealing. All in all the album has been a 3-year make but the wait for release was actually all my doing as I just kept tweaking little bits. This is something you should never do haha."

Mokit has admitted that it was actually Rognvald helping him to keep his nose to grindstone in times when he has lost a lot of steam productionwise around 2019.
"This year through my adventures and gigs I have found a real love for making fast tunes again and meeting ravers from all over the UK and Europe really made me want to keep going. I don't feel as much pressure now to 'want to make it' as in a soppy sense I already have. Instead I just want to make songs cause it makes me happy and when theyre released they make others happy too." - Mokit

Suffice to say that in the end this collaboration has upgraded the duo's mutual vibe, hence a formation of a very different project under the name Country Bumpkins. Anyway, you can stream their album to get to know their odd path, on this link
"Even in some of the more recent Beatwife or Rognvald releases you'll hear my voice or my bass playing as part of the composition. When you work with Richard you end up learning that all recordings have many uses and can be placed in lots of songs, so that one riff ends up becoming the inspiration for a new jungle track." - Mokit

The 'Warehaus Rave' EP is comprised of eleven tracks of hard rave attitude and pure talent, and it is available to download through Bandcamp. A good bag for the upcoming Bandcamp Day that is 4th of August.





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